Listed are various case management and human services groups which require membership. These groups provide valuable information–including, but not limited to–educational opportunities, professional certifications, job postings, and more. For instance, most groups have newsletters or magazines dedicated to their specialties. Some even publish journals. Be sure to check out upcoming conferences and in-person events. Social gatherings can expand your knowledge and your network.

While this list is far from complete, it’s included to assist those who wish to gather with others who have similar interests. Practice due diligence before joining a group. Research its background to determine legitimacy. Make sure its vision and values align with yours.

Know of a worthy case management or human services group? Let us know!

American Public Human Services Association

American Case Management Association

Case Management Society of America

Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand

Case Management Society UK

Commission for Case Manager Certification

Higher Education Case Managers Association

Human Services Council

National Association of Case Management

National Association of Social Workers

National Organization for Human Services